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If you or a loved one are having trouble using or accessing a part of our platform, please chat with us so that we can help.

Email us

If there is a way we can build our product to be more accessible for you, please let us know by emailing us at

Call us

For urgent accessibility-related issues and requests, you can give us a call at (877) 588-3917.

Our commitment to accessibility for all

At Wellthy, we are constantly striving to make our products and services accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities and people who use assistive technologies.

We strive to follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and use the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) specification. Deque, an accessibility consulting company, has conducted an accessibility audit of our websites and provided us with specific recommendations that will assist us in ensuring that our products meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standard.

Many of the people we serve, including care recipients and caregivers, have one or multiple disabilities or health conditions. In order for us to best serve everyone, we want our technology to empower others to make the caregiving process as seamless as possible.

If you use assistive technology of any kind, and the Wellthy platform is not working the way you would expect it to, or you cannot use part of the platform because of how you access the Internet, we want to help! Please contact us via any of the above channels, and we will do our absolute best to resolve any issues you are experiencing.

Accessibility tips

  • Some people find it easier to navigate web pages using the keyboard as opposed to a mouse. This could be for any number of reasons, from motor impairments to preference.

    To open a website

    1. Open your preferred web browser.
    2. By pressing Ctrl + L or F6 on Windows, or Cmd + L on a Mac, the focus is placed in the web browser's address bar.
    3. Now enter the domain as usual (for example, and submit using Enter.

    To read a website

    • To scroll the viewport down, up, left, or right, use the respective arrow keys.
    • When tabbing through a page (see below), the viewport is scrolled automatically to the currently focused element, so using the arrow keys often is not necessary.

    To interact with a website

    To interact with an element of a webpage, keyboard users need to move the "focus" sequentially through all interactive elements on a page until they reach the desired element. The currently focused element should be highlighted visually using a "focus ring."

    • Use the Tab key to move from one focusable item to the next focusable item. This sequential navigation sometimes is called "tabbing". Focusable items typically are links, buttons, form controls (text edit, combobox, etc.), and all sorts of other interactive elements such as custom widgets.
    • Use Shift + Tab to go back to a previous focusable item, or reverse the tabbing direction.
    • Use Enter to activate a link or button, or submit a form if a form item other than a textarea has focus.
    • Use Space to toggle an element's state (such as a checkbox), open or close an element (such as a drop-down list), or scroll down a page more quickly.
    • Use arrow keys to change the value of an item (for example in a drop-down list, a radio button group, or within a min/max value slider widget), move the cursor (for example in a text input), or to scroll up or down the page.
    • Use Esc to cancel a prompt or close elements like dialogs or expanded drop-downs.
  • Screen readers are software programs that convert digital text into speech (via a software-based voice synthesizer) or braille output (to a refreshable braille device). Screen readers have revolutionized computer accessibility for people with disabilities, in particular those who are blind or deafblind, or have low vision, reading disabilities, or cognitive disabilities. Screen readers allow people to use computers by themselves, without help from anybody else, enabling independence and productivity. Wellthy designs and codes for accessibility, and strives to ensure that our content is accessible to screen readers and intuitive for people who use screen readers.

    There are free options available including NVDA for Windows and VoiceOver for Mac. JAWS for Windows is another popular screen reader that is sold for a variety of prices and payment plans depending on the nature of its use. You can use any of these screen readers to navigate and interact with web pages and perform a variety of other tasks on a computer.

    Screen readers accept input in a variety of ways, but one of the most common forms is through your keyboard. Some screen readers, such as JAWS, also accept Braille input.

  • There are a lot of great accessibility features right on your smartphone. Both Android and iOS provide many tools to help you access what you love, including the Wellthy platform.

    VoiceOver for iOS and TalkBack for Android are the screen readers that come built-in. To turn on VoiceOver, go to Settings, then General, to Accessibility, and then turn VoiceOver on. You can set the Accessibility Shortcut to VoiceOver from the Accessibility page in order to triple-click the Home button to toggle VoiceOver on and off. TalkBack has a similar feature.

    ZoomMagnifierInvert ColorsColor Filters, and Reduce White Point are other features and tools on iOS that you can use. These are also available through the Accessibility Shortcut.

  • Some people like to use the zoom feature on their web browser in order to see content more easily. Here are a few ways of doing it depending on your set-up:

    • On Windows, press the Windows key and plus (+) key at the same time to zoom in. You can also use the Magnifier application under Accessories.
    • On a Mac, go to System Preferences, open Accessibility and select the Zoom tab. There are a number of options in this menu depending on your needs.
    • On an Apple mobile device, tap Settings, then Accessibility, then Zoom. Tap the Zoom button and toggle it On, or change any other settings on this page that you see fit.
    • To zoom in or out in a web browser, use Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) combined with the plus (+) or minus (-) keys respectively.
  • Some people like to change colors or fonts to see words more clearly. Most major web browsers have options to do this:

    • In Google Chrome, select the menu denoted by the three dots in the upper right corner, go to Settings, scroll down to Appearance, and change the Font size option via the dropdown, Customize fonts in other ways, or set default Page zoom.
    • In Mozilla Firefox, choose Options, then Content, then finally Fonts & Colors.
    • In Safari, select PreferencesAppearance tab, and then hit the Select... button next to the font fields.
    • In Internet Explorer, go to Tools, then Internet Options, on to General. From here, select ColorsFonts, or Accessibility.

    We recommend a mixture of settings like enlarging font size and zooming into the browser for a better experience.